St. Macartin's Cathedral

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Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News"
                         Church Family December 2016 - January 2020

Our monthly church magazine, "Cathedral News", often devotes special pages featuring organisations and prominent members. Starting with the December 2016/January 2017 issue, an easy-find three-year index appears on this page. 

To see the index for  December 2019/January 2020 through to December 2022/January 2023, click HERE
December 2016 / January 2017

Cub Scouts' Centenary Service: Pages 8-9
Rev. Chris MacBruithin's graduation: Page 10-11
The Cathedral Bellringers: Page 16

February 2017

St. Macartin's Cathedral Choir annual dinner: Pages 10-11

March 2017

Johnny Woods (Rector's Churchwarden 2016-17):  Page 10
Noel Johnston (People's Churchwarden 2016-17):  Page 11
Tuesday Club: Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union: Page 17

April 2017

The late Angel Nawn: Pages 4-5
Margaret Owens: Pages 10-11
The Mothers' Union Visitors' Night: Page 16-17

May 2017

David Clarke (Rector's Churchwarden 2017-18):  Page 10
Richard Cochrane (People's Churchwarden 2017-18):  Page 11

June 2017

Hong Kong Student Walter Wai-lun: Page 5
Mothers' Union: Page 20
Bell Ringers: Page 21

July/August 2017

Tuesday Club: Pages 10-11
St. Macartin's Football Team: Page 12

September 2017

Cathedral Placement - Conor O'Reilly (trainee priest): Pages 6-7
Sophie Coalter: Pages 12-13

October 2017

Alan Devers: Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union: Page 20

November 2017

The late Stewart Scott: Pages 8-9
Men's Life Group - Harvest Supper: Pages 10-11
Ivan Kee's Lifetime Achievement Award: Page 11

December 2017/January 2018

Tuesday Club - Pages 10-11

February 2018

Jack Watson to retire - Page 5

March 2018

Cathedral Choir - Page 5
Mothers' Union - Page 16
Tuesday Club - Page 17

April 2018

Dedication of Vox Angelica organ stop in memory of Angel Nawn - Page 5
Presentation to Jack Watson - Pages 6-7
Messy Church - Page 8
Xplore - Page 9
Tuesday Club - Page 21

May 2018

Palm Sunday - Pages 10-11
Engagement of Jayne Haslett and Jim Malcolmson - Page 11
Mothers' Union - Page 16

June 2018

Thanks from Jack Watson - Page 3
Our bell-ringers and visitors - Page 7
Sandra Richmond - Rector's Churchwarden - Page 8
Karen Clyde - People's Churchwarden - Page 9
Tuesday Club - Page 16
Mothers' Union - Page 17

July and August 2018

Jack Foster - Page 7
Tuesday Club outing - Pages 8-9
Confirmation Group - Pages 10-11 (centre-fold)
Matthew Murphy (Co-director of Corpus Christi College, Oxford) - Page 16

September 2018

Andrew McCabe - Pages 12-13
Jim and Dorothy Kerr's 60th Wedding Anniversary - Page 13

October 2018

Wedding of Jayne Haslett and Jim Malcolmson - Page 10
Boat Trip - Page 11
Myrtle Irvine with guest speaker Evelyn Hassard at Mothers' Union

November 2018

Dedication of new stain-glass window - Ivan and Avril Kee
Bell-ringing plaque in memory of the late Stewart Scott Pages 12-13

December 2018/January 2019

Photographs from the Xplore meeting at the end of October. There seems to have been great fun carving pumpkins before a scary walk around the Cathedral and graveyard. - Page 11
Rebecca Murray - Page 12

February 2019

60+ Christmas Party - Pages 6-7
Choir Dinner - Page 8
Christmas Come and Sing -  Enniskillen Cathedral choir members, Ruth Young, Mandy Graham and Avril Crawford with photo-bombing by John Rutter! - Page 9
1st Inniskilling Beavers and Cubs come together to put on their production of 'Cinderella': - Page 10
Scott Elliott - Pages 12-13
Tuesday Club - Page 19
Bowling Club - Page 20

May 2019

Choir Concert - Pages 12-13
Knitwits - Pages 14-15
Enniskillen Féis - Erin Evans, Finn Maguire and Keri Elliott - Page17
Tuesday Club - Page 20

June 2019

Confirmation - Page 5
Churchwardens David Graham and Rosemary Woods - Pages 12-13
Mothers' Union - Pages 18-19
Tuesday Club - Page 20
Bell Ringers and Josh Elliott - Page 21

July and August 2019

Rev Chris, Sarah and Noah - Page 5
Messy Church - Pages 9-10
Men's Life and Mothers' Union Page 11
Dominic Robertson - Pages 12-13
Tuesday Club - Pages 18-19
Cub Scouts Football Team - Page 20

September 2019

Rev Chris, Sarah and Noah - Page 6
Rev Michael Hutchinson - Pages 12-13
Scott Elliott - Page 19

October 2019

Ordination Service - Page 5
Rev Chris's last service and installation in Castlerock - Pages 8-9
Rev Colin Brownsmith - Pages 12-13
Knitwits with Rev Chris - Page 19

November 2019

James Morrison - choir member and Junior Champion of the Aberdeen Angus Youth Development Programme - Page 13
Willie and Claire Holmes - Ruby Anniversary - also on Page 13
Cubs and Beavers meet HRH the Duke of Wessex - Page 92

December 2019/January 2020
Bellringers - Page 21